Anthony Ryan's "The Waking Fire"

Anthony Ryan is the author of the Raven’s Shadow novels, including Blood Song, Tower Lord and Queen of Fire.

Here Ryan dreancasts an adaptation of The Waking Fire, the first novel in the Draconis Memoria series:
Writers are notoriously bad at casting - Ian Fleming wanted Cary Grant to play James Bond for example (eesh) – and I’m always reluctant to link actors to my characters as I prefer to leave it to the reader’s imagination. That being said, I did have some actors in mind when writing The Waking Fire so what the hell, here goes (I’m sure they’ll all be available and won’t cost too much):

Claydon Torcreek – John Boyega.

Braddon Torcreek – Lawrence Fishburne.

Lizanne Lethridge – Emily Blunt,

Lt. Corrick Hilemore – Henry Cavill.

Madame Bondersil – Michelle Rodriguez (Missy from Dr Who).
Visit Anthony Ryan's website.

The Page 69 Test: The Waking Fire.

--Marshal Zeringue

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